Inchworm To Push-Up

Roelly Winklaar out of the 2020 Mr. Olympia?!? | Ask Ron Live | 2020  Olympia - YouTube

Inchworm To Push-Up

1. Stand straight with your feet closer than shoulder width apart.

2. Bend over and place your hands on the floor whilst trying to keep your legs as straight as possible. This will be your starting position.

3. Walk your hands away from your feet and move into a plank/push-up position.

4. Complete a single push-up rep.

5. Walk your hands back toward your feet and return back to your starting position.

You can either choose to stand up or not. I would recommend not standing up as that takes away the muscle tension.

Lee Priest Vs Roelly Winklaar - Who Has The Best Arms Ever?

Archer Push-Up

1. Get in a push-up position with your hands wider than shoulder width apart.

2. When you lower yourself down by leaning towards one side. One arm is going to be your “pushing arm” or “working arm”  and the other a “supporting arm”.

Lean towards your working arm where that arm’s elbow is close to your body. Keep your assisting arm fully extended.

Alternate between your arms. Aim for 8-12 repetitions within 3-5 sets.



1.  Start in a push-up position.

2. Do 1 push-up rep.

3. At the top of the exercise, rotate your entire body to the left face from your working right arm and simultaneously lift and fully extend your left arm.

4. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position.

During your rotated position (side plank) allow your ankles to touch the floor.

Aim for 8-15 repetitions within 3-5 sets.