Too Much Stress

Bodybuilding Tips - Focusing On Right Muscle Proportion · Healthkart Blog

Too Much Stress

Stress and the inability to build muscle go hand in hand.

You’re having troubles at home, at school or at work.

You’re stressed and you start noticing changes in your body that you’re not so happy about – specifically that you’ve plateaued and you are not gaining any muscle.

Higher stress levels – namely as a consequence of higher Cortisol levels – can have a number of disadvantageous effects on muscle hypertrophy, such as:

Inhibiting protein synthesis, increasing protein breakdown (muscle catabolism) and decreasing the amino acid uptake by muscles, and have a negative impact on testosterone production.

In 2006, Stephen Bird, carried out a study that helped paint a clear picture of the hormonal affects of Cortisol and how different nutritional interventions impact these changes.


He divided people into four groups:

Those who after their workout drank a placebo (plain water), those who took carbohydrates, those who took essential amino acids, and lastly those who took a combination of the two.

What he found out was quite interesting…

The studies showed that the group which drank only water had an increase in muscle breakdown 48 hours after the training session.

While the group that was taking EAA and Carbohydrates managed to combat the catabolic effect of Cortisol.

This is an important and thought-provoking piece of information because of two main reasons:

First it shows how powerful are the negative effects of Cortisol on protein breakdown.

And more importantly it shows how through appropriate supplementation (and obviously dieting) those who exhibit higher Cortisol levels can revers its effects on muscle growth.


The diabolical stress hormone also has indirect effects:

Heightened stress levels may lead to severe psychological effects – such as lack in desire to exercise and diet.

People often fall victim to “Comfort foods” that are packed with sugar, fats and other bad nutrients that lower muscle growth and make them gain a lot of body fat.

Not to mention that it can cause increased insulin production and decreased testosterone in the body:

Which as you could probably guess can cause some people to be trapped in a scenario where they can’t gain muscle no matter what they do.

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Lowering and maintaining low stress levels can be hard. However, There are number of helpful exercises and techniques, and, as we saw, some supplements that can help lower its inhibiting effects on muscle growth.


Stress can slow down or even stop muscle growth. Try and focusing on lowering your daily stress. Seek professional help if you suffer from chronic stress.